Top 6 Reasons to choose Mailing bags for packaging purposes

You may believe that using cardboard boxes rather than modern polythene mailing bags is more 'traditional' or reliable. And, of course, when it comes to heavyweight items, you must have the most durable packing solution on hand. Despite all of the advantages of a simple cardboard box, we believe the versatile mailing bag is a better option. Here are four reasons why you should use mailing bags: 1. Lightweight Packaging solution: Packaging solutions must be cost-effective, even if you pack items on a regular or infrequent basis. Polythene mailing bags are extremely lightweight and have been shown to reduce postage costs significantly. This is advantageous to your budget, and if you are owning an e-commerce business, it increases the likelihood of repeat business from your customers. High delivery costs are one of the primary reasons customers abandon a purchase midway through the transaction; reduce shipping costs and your business will benefit. 2. Water Resistant: ...